The Flourish Forum
An forum of The Paideia Centre For Reflective Leadership
David Shosanya - Founder & Host
The Paideia Centre for Reflective Leadership was established in response to a felt need to create a dedicated space that enabled and empowered leaders to give intentional thought to their practice of leadership.
The FLOURISH FORUM is designed to be a safe and exploratory spaces for aspiring and established leaders reflect critically on their philosophy of leadership as part of an accountable community of practice.
FLOURISH 24 is an opportunity for leaders and aspiring leaders to pause at the beginning of a new year, review their leadership journey over the past 12 months, and set clear goals for the year ahead.
Our values are at the foundation and heart of all that we do. they include:
1. Relational Integrity
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Focussed Action
4. Lifestyle Balance
5. Equitable Practice
6. Communal Learning
7. Trusting Outlook
8. Intentional Commitment
9. Vulnerable Disposition
10. Ethical Decision-Making
We are pleased to gather experienced and influential practitioners and thoughts leaders to guide our community through the complex, sometimes lonely and turbulent world, that leaders can experience.
Our faculty have extensive leadership experience and a proven track record of positive influence and impact across a wide range of sectors at various levels.
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Keynote 1:
Managing Yourself
Carole Stewart
One of Britain’s top 50 Business Advisers - for work with women starting businesses (2015).
LinkedIn Top Voice UK (2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020).
We Are the City, Rising Stars Champion - for helping women to progress as leaders (2018).
Keynote 2:
Managing Relationships
Named as one of Britain’s top 50 Business Advisers - for work with women starting businesses (2015).
LinkedIn Top Voice UK (2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020).
We Are the City, Rising Stars Champion - for helping women to progress as leaders (2018)
Bishop Eric &
Rev Millicent Brown
Senior Pastors at New Testament Church of God (NTCG), Brixton.
Former Administrative Bishop, NTCG, and Pentecostal President, Churches Together in England (CTE).
Former National Women's President, NTCG, England & Wales & Registered Counsellor.
Workshop 1:
Family Matters
Leadership will inevitably have an effect on the leaders marriage and family life. What that impact is, and whether it is positive or negative, will ultimately be determined by how proactive you are as a leader in identifying and managing potential pitfalls before they arrive.
Research has demonstrated that being unable to manage the dynamics that can arise between leadership demands and family expectations can have an adverse, even detrimental, effect on family life. The following statistics offer an glimpse into some of the tensions leaders in ministry are facing:
82% said that they had experienced family tensions.
80% of pastors believe their ministry negatively affects their families.
80% of pastors and 84% of their spouses feel unqualified and discouraged in their role as pastors.
80% of pastors say they do not have sufficient time to spend with their spouse.
63% had felt lonely.
Almost 40% polled said they have had an extra-marital affair since beginning ministry.
Bishop Eric & Rev. Millicent Brown will help us to explore the unique dynamics that emerge with leadership / ministry and marriage, and share from personal experience, how leaders can successfully navigate the pressures of family and ministry.
Christina Shosanya
Registered Nutritionist
Naturopathic Chef
A. N. Other
Workshop 2:
Health Matters
When The Apostle John to his good friend Gaius (3 John 2) he specifically and deliberately enquired about his physical health! In the Pastoral Epistles The Apostle Paul expresses a similar concern when writing to his spiritual son (Timothy (2:53).
Questions about leadership, ministry, and personal health are either not nrmally raiseed or relegated to the realm of passing casual comment or enquiry. Research has shown that matters of health are important to leaders and should be taken more seriously than they currently are.
The same research referred to above (Family Matters) offered valuable and much needed insights into the psychological, emotional, and physical health of ministry leaders:
98% admitted suffering from stress.
86% said that they felt depressed.
83% said that they felt angry.
82% admitted struggling with sexual temptations.
63% had felt lonely.
57% of pastors do not have a regularly scheduled and implemented exercise routine
The findings are not encouraging. However, they are also not inevitable. Speaking about the physical health and wellbeing of leaders is a good starting point to ensuring that it becomes a central theme in leadership conversations. This workshop aims to begin to centre and normalise the health and leadership conversation.
Christina will challenge us to take our personal wellbeing / health seriously as it is critical to our ability to function well as leaders.
Panel Discussion:
Who do you say that I am?: Exploring the tensions between personal identity and leadership positions.
Leadership inevitably raises questions of personal identity. Those questions may be rooted in quiet, secret thoughts - about adequacy, competency and legitimacy - or more publicly expressed in the form of self-doubt, in-action or a fear / failure to take responsibility.
How wdo we ars leaders retain a healthy perspective of who we are?
Panellists include:
Bishop Mike Royal
General Secretary,
Churches Together
in England
Rev Lotwina Farodoye
St Stephens Church
West Wimbledon
Bishop Claion Grandison
Administrative Bishop NTCG
England & Wales
Dr. Lisa Adjei
The Sankofa Collective & Nat. Church Relations Manager Christian Aid
Rev Andrew Wignal
Senior Pastor
New Testament Assembly, Tooting